Thursday, February 24, 2011

Flyercraft: Tips to An Effective Flyer

1. Either make it extra grand, or extra cheap. If you're going to put graphics on the flyer, I encourage you to invest in the extra cents to make it full color and good quality. If not, then it's usually more efficient to just go with the garage sale sign look.
2. Keep it simple stupid. Clearly state the message you want to get across, and make sure it can be read from far away. Stay away from light colors, usually black on white/yellow or white/yellow on black works the best. Simple fonts and simple messages will make it easy to read.
3. Have an easy contact info on it. If you have tabs on your flyer, make sure to put your contact info and your flyer's purpose on every single tab. If you are putting an email address, refrain from using overly complicated or ambiguous emails. will discourage anyone from following through.
4. Maximize your authenticity. Testimonials, expert opinions, impressive statistics, and many other pieces of information can greatly establish your credibility. People are always inclined to dismiss something as a scam, or shady, so I suggest you put extra effort into ensuring that your flyers look legitimate.
If you're trying to sell a product, one interesting tip I've learned is to handwrite your flyer, and then photocopy that. Not only does handwriting grab people's attention, but it also adds a personal touch that improves your credibility.
5. As usual, experiment and track how the flyers work for you and where.
6. Profit?


  1. Nice guide and cool pic. Proud to be your 100th follower. Congrats on the milestone.

  2. really cute girl thanks for the guide

  3. very useful guide. i was doing some stuff like this for money not too long ago, but it was mostly trial and error.

  4. put a pic of that girl on your flyers, instant traffic

  5. I've made handmade flyers and personally colored in each one differently. It was a lot of work but it paid off. :)

  6. I have a nice alternative, if you are going to be out on the street handing out info. Try tri-fold brochures. They are easy enough to stick in a pocket for reading later and can often pack in more info.

  7. You don't have to live "in the Valley" to be a valley girl. And no, I didn't grow up in SFV, but about 40 minutes from there and LA.

  8. great tips if i every have the need, thx.

  9. Thanks for posting the tips. I will keep them in mind next time I make flyers.
